最近更新时间:2023-02-09 19:38:54
参数 | 类型 | 描述 |
InstanceId | String | 实例id |
InstanceName | String | 实例名称 |
PrivateIpAddress | String | 主网卡私有IP地址 |
InstanceType | String | 实例类型 |
Available | Boolean | 是否支持移入容器集群 |
UnavailableReason | String | 不支持移入集群的原因,枚举值: - The instance is already in a k8s cluster - The instance is not in the stopped state - The instance and k8s cluster are not in the same VPC |
ClusterId | String | 当因为 The instance is already in a k8s cluster 不支持移入时,返回已经加入的集群id |