最近更新时间:2022-03-17 11:09:22
状态码 | 状态码描述 |
400 | 客户端请求的语法错误,服务器无法理解 |
403 | 服务器理解请求客户端的请求,但是拒绝执行此请求 |
404 | 服务器无法根据客户端的请求找到资源 |
405 | 客户端请求中的方法被禁止 |
406 | 服务器无法根据客户端请求的内容特性完成请求 |
414 | 请求的URI过长(URI通常为网址),服务器无法处理 |
416 | 客户端请求的范围无效 |
500 | 服务器内部错误,无法完成请求 |
501 | 服务器不支持请求的功能,无法完成请求 |
502 | 作为网关或者代理工作的服务器尝试执行请求时,从远程服务器接收到了一个无效的响应 |
503 | 由于超载或系统维护,服务器暂时的无法处理客户端的请求 |
504 | 充当网关或代理的服务器,未及时从远端服务器获取请求 |
2021年4月1日起 计费区域(Regions)为:
中国大陆 - CN
中国香港 - HK
中国澳门 - MO
美国 - US
日本 - JP
新加坡 - SG
印度 - IN
印度尼西亚 - ID
泰国 - TH
马来西亚 - MY
澳大利亚 - AU
越南 - VN
加拿大 - CA
英国 - GB
俄罗斯 - RU
德国 - DE
法国 - FR
巴西 - BR
南非 - ZA
阿联酋 - AE
其他- Other
HttpStatus状态码 | ErroyCode 错误码 | Message 错误信息 | 语义 |
400 | InvalidClientTokenId | The security token included in the request is invalid. | ak/sk不正确 |
400 | UnSupportCdnType | This api currently did not support such cdn type. Supported:file. | 不支持的Cdn业务类型:此处只支持XX类型 |
400 | InvalidCdnType | Invalid cdn type.Expected:file\live\page\download,but receive:${CdnType} | 产品类型参数错误 |
400 | InvalidGranularity | Invalid granularity.Option for granularity is 5, 10, 15 …1440(min),received:${Granularity} | 统计粒度参数错误 |
400 | InvalidDataType.EdgeOrigin | Invalid data type.Expected:edge\origin, but receive:${DataType} | 数据类型参数错误 |
400 | InvalidDataType.ReqhitrateFlowhitrate | Invalid data type.Expected:reqhitrate\flowhitrate, but receive:${DataType} | 命中率数据类型参数错误 |
400 | InvalidResultType | Invalid result type.Expected:0\1, but receive:${ResultType} | 返回结果参数错误 |
400 | InvalidRegion | Invalidregion.Expected:CN,NA,AS,EU,SA,AU,AF, but receive:${Region} | 加速区域参数错误 |
400 | InvalidEndTime.Mismatch | Specified end time should not be earlier than starttime."StartTime:${StartTime},EndTime:${EndTime} | EndTime小于StartTime |
400 | InvalidStartTime.ValueNotSupported | The gap between start time and end time should be less then or equal to 93 days."StartTime:${StartTime} , EndTime:${EndTime} | EndTime和StartTime差值超过93天 |
400 | InvalidStartTime.Malformed | Specified start time is malformed.“StartTime:${StartTime}” | StartTime参数错误 |
400 | InvalidEndTime.Malformed | Specified end time is malformed.“EndTime:${EndTime}” | EndtTime参数错误 |
400 | InvalidDomain.NotFound | The domain provided does not belong to you.Invalid domains:${DomainId} | 域名不属于当前用户 |
400 | InvalidDomain.Offline | The domain provided is offline.Invalid domains:${DomainId} | 域名处于非法状态 |
400 | IllegalOperation | Your account does not open CDN service yet; Illegal domain operate is not permitted |
未开通CDN服务; 没有权限执行当前操作 |
400 | TooManyDataPoints | “Domain number: ${DomainNumber}, region number:${RegionNumber}, time points:${TimePoints}, total points in this request(DomainNumber _RegionNumber_TimePoints):${TotalPoints}.Total points must be less than or equal to 10000.” | 超出接口最大吞吐量范围 |
400 | NoAvailableDomain | Your do not have any domain config yet | 没有可用的域名信息 |
400 | DomainCdnTypeNotMatch | Domains and cdn type did not match.Invalid domains:${DomainId} | 域名与产品类型不符 |
400 | BindException | Rejected keys and values: ${params};${paramValues} | 参数类型错误 |
400 | InvalidCdnSubType | Sub type is malformed | 产品子类型参数错误 |
400 | InvalidOriginProtocol | Back to the source protocol is malformed | 回源协议参数错误 |
400 | InvalidCdnProtocol | Edge node protocol is malformed | 访问协议参数错误 |
400 | InvalidOriginType | Source station type is malformed | 源站类型参数错误 |
400 | InvalidOriginPort | Invalid origin port.Expected:80, but receive: $(OriginPort) | 无效的回源端口号 |
400 | InvalidCacheRuleType | Invalid cache rule type.Expected:file_suffix\directory\exact\url_regex, but receive:$(value) | 无效的缓存规则类型 |
400 | InvalidCacheRuleValue | Invalid cache rule value.Expected:$(type) value, but receive: $(value) | 无效缓存规则值 |
400 | InvalidCacheTime | Invalid cache time value.Expected:Must be lost as an integer must be greater than 0, but receive: $(value) | 无效的缓存时间值 |
400 | InvalidSwitchValue | Invalid switch value.Expected:on\off, but receive:$(value) | 无效开关值 |
400 | CacheRuleListIsEmpty | Cache rule list is empty. | 缓存规则列表是空的 |
400 | InvalidConfigInfoQueryCondition | Invalid configuration information query condition.Expected: cache_expired\cc\error_page\ http_header\optimize\page_compress\ignore_query _string\range\referer\req_auth\src_host\video_seek\ waf\notify_url\redirect_type, but receive: $(value) | 无效的配置信息的查询条件 |
400 | RequiresInputValue | Requires input value.Expected:This value is required, but no found value from: $(value) | 要求输入值 |
400 | InvalidSourceStationLine | Invalid source station line.Expected:default\un\ct\cm, but receive:$(value) | 无效源站线路 |
400 | InvalidSourceStationType | Invalid source station type.Expected:ipaddr\domain, but receive:$(value) | 无效源站类型 |
400 | InvalidDomainName | This value does not conform to the rules of the domain name.Expected: Submit parameter values in the format, but receive:$(value) | 该项值不符合域名的规则 |
400 | InvalidCdnSubType.Live | Invalid live child type.Expected:live, but receive:$(value) | 无效的直播子类型 |
400 | InvalidCdnSubType.Download | Invalid download child type.Expected:web\download\video, but receive:$(value) | 无效的下载子类型 |
400 | InvalidCdnProtocol.Live | Invalid live protocol.Expected:http+flv\hls\rtmp, but receive:$(value) | 无效的直播协议 |
400 | InvalidCdnProtocol.Download | Invalid download protocol.Expected:HTTP, but receive:$(value) | 无效下载协议 |
400 | InvalidOriginType | Invalid origin type.Expected:ipaddr\domain\ksvideo\KS3, but receive:$(value) | 无效源站类型 |
400 | InvalidOriginType.Live | Invalid live origin type.Expected:ipaddr\domain\ksvideo, but receive:$(value) | 无效直播源站类型 |
400 | InvalidOriginType.Download | Invalid Download origin type.Expected:ipaddr\domain\KS3, but receive:$(value) | 无效下载源站类型 |
400 | InvalidOriginProtocol.Live | Invalid live origin protocol.Expected:rtmp, but receive:$(value) | 无效的直播回源协议 |
400 | InvalidOriginProtocol.Download | Invalid download origin protocol.Expected:http, but receive:$(value) | 无效的下载回源协议 |
400 | InvalidOriginPort | Invalid origin port.Expected:80, but receive:$(value) | 无效的回源端口 |
400 | PageSizeOutOfRange | Page size out of range.Expected:Between 1 and 500, but receive:$(value) | 页面大小超出范围 |
400 | pageNumberOutOfRange | Page number out of range. Expected:Between 1 and 10000, but receive:$(value) | 超出范围的页面编号 |
400 | InvalidDomainStatus | Invalid domain status.Expected:online\offline\configuring\configure _failed\icp_checking\icp_check_failed, but receive:$(value) | 无效域名状态 |
400 | InvalidActionType | Invalid domain action type.Expected:start\stop, but receive:$(value) | 无效域动作类型 |
400 | InvalidOriginAdress | Origin adress is not standardized. | 源地址不规范 |
400 | OriginLineRepeat | Origin line can not be repeated. | 线路不能重复 |
400 | OriginTypeNotUnique | Advanced source station must unique. | 回源类型必须唯一 |
400 | InvalidOriginPolicyType | Invalid polling type.Expected:rr\quality, but receive:$(value) | 无效轮询类型 |
400 | PolicyBestCountOutOfRange | Policy best count out of range.Expected:Between 1 and 10, but receive:$(value) | 超出计数范围 |
400 | NotCorrectURL | URL is not correct. | url不正确 |
400 | InvalidReferType | Invalid refer type.Expected:block\allow, but receive:$(value) | 无效的refer类型 |
400 | TooManyReferList | Too many refer url in this request.Expected:Between 1 and 100, but receive:$(value) | url太多 |
400 | DomainNameHasBeUsed | Domain name has been used. | 域名已存在 |
400 | DomainNotFound | Through the domain name ID did not find the domain name information. | 找不到域名信息 |
400 | RecordQueryFailed | Query record information failed. | 域名未备案 |
400 | StatusCannotOrNoneedModified | Current domain status does not allow or need to be modified. | 当前状态不能或无需修改 |
400 | CanNotSetByOriginType | Cannot set back the source host function Because of OringType value is KS3 | 源站类型为KS3时,不能修改回源host |
400 | RepeatedCacheValue | The value of the same CacheRuleType cannot be repeated. | 同一个缓存类型的值不能重复 |
400 | InvalidIsp | Invalid isp.Expected:UN,CM,CT,CTT,PBS,CE,Other, but receive:{} | 运营商参数错误 |
400 | InvalidProvince | Invalid province.Expected:beijing, neimenggu, shanxi and so on, but receive:{} | 省份参数错误 |
400 | InvalidEnable.ValueNotSupported | The specified value of parameter Enable is not supported. | Enable的值不合法 |
400 | ServerCertificate.MissingParameter | An input parameter ServerCertificate that is mandatory for processing the request is not supplied. | ServerCertificate参数缺失 |
400 | PrivateKey.MissingParameter | An input parameter PrivateKey that is mandatory for processing the request is not supplied. | PrivateKey参数缺失 |
400 | InvalidServerCertificate | The ServerCertificate you provided is malformed! | 证书内容不合法 |
400 | InvalidPrivateKey | The Private Key you provided is malformed! | 私钥内容不合法 |
400 | ServerCertificate.MissMatch | The Private Key does not math the specified ServerCertificate! | 证书和私钥不匹配 |
400 | InvalidServerCertificate.TooLong | The ServerCertificate you provided is over the max length! | 证书私钥内容超过长度限制 |
400 | Certificate.CertNull | The Certificate is not null. | 证书不能为空 |
400 | Certificate.FormatError | The Certificate format is error. | 证书格式错误 |
400 | Certificate.KeyNull | The private key is not null. | 私钥不能为空 |
400 | Key.Malformed | The private key format is error. | 私钥格式错误 |
400 | InvalidInterval | Invalid interval. Option for interval is 1, 5, 60, 1440 (min), received:610`` | 时间粒度填写错误 |
400 | InvalidDomain.NotFound | The domain provided does not belong to you or does not match the cdntype.Invalid domains: www.baidu.com | 查询域名不属于你/域名类型填写错误 |
400 | NoAvailableDomain | No valid domain name was found according to the query criteria. | 根据查询条件找不到有效的域名 |
400 | InvalidMetricType | Invalid metric type.Expected:flow/bandwidth/request/qps, but receive:1 | 查询类型错误 |
400 | InvalidCdnType | Invalid cdn type.Expected:video/file/page/wcdn, but receive:as | CDN类型填写错误 |
400 | InvalidArea | Invalid area.Expected:CN,HK,TW,MO,US,JP,SG,IN,ID,TH,MY,AU,VN, CA,GB,RU,DE,FR,BR,ZA,AE,PH,KR,Other, but receive:1 | 区域填写错误 |
400 | InvalidIsp | Invalid isp.Invalid isp relation, Area: CN,Other, isps must be null. | ISP填写错误 |
400 | InvalidIsp | Invalid isp.Expected:UN/CM/CT/CTT/PBS/CE/Other, but receive:12 | ISP填写错误 |
400 | InvalidStartTime.Malformed | Specified start time is malformed.StartTime:2020-10-2 3T00:00+0800 | 指定的开始时间为格式不正确 |
400 | InvalidEndTime.Malformed | Specified end time is malformed.2020-10-2 3T20:00+0800 | 指定的结束时间格式不正确 |
400 | InvalidEndTime.Mismatch | Specified end time should not be earlier than start time.StartTime:2020-11-23T00:00+0800, EndTime:2020-10-23T20:00+0800 | 指定的结束时间不应早于开始时间开始时间 |
400 | NoDataProvided | “We do not provide data more than 1 year.” | 查询数据超过1年范围 |
400 | InvalidIpType | Invalid IpType.Expected:ipv4/ipv6, but receive:a | IpType输入错误 |
400 | InvalidResultType | Invalid result type.Expected:expand,unexpand,domain,province,isp,ip,schema,area, but receive:schemaa | 无效展开类型 |
400 | TooManyDataPoints | Too many data points in this request.area:1, schema:1, domain:1157, ip:1, time points:21, total points in this request(areaschemadomainipTimePoints):24297. Total points must be less than or equal to 10000. | 数据总点数超过10000点 |
400 | InvalidResultType | Area is not CN. The resultType can not contains province and isp. | 非CN的区域不支持查看细化到省份和Isp的数据 |
400 | InvalidHttpProtocol | The HttpProtocolType must be http/httpsExpected:http/https/quic,but receive:1 | 错误协议类型 |
400 | InvalidProvince | Invalid province.Invalid province relation, Area: CN,Other, Provinces must be null. | 省份填写错误 |
400 | InvalidProvince | Invalid province.Expected:beijing, neimenggu, shanxi and so on, but receive:1 | 省份填写错误 |
400 | InvalidDataType | Invalid data type.Expected:edge/origin, but receive:1 | 类型填写错误 |
400 | InvalidRegion | Invalid region.Expected:AF/AS/AU/CN/EU/NA/SA/HK/TW, but receive:1 | 区域填写错误 |
400 | InvalidResultType | Invalid result type.Expected:expand,unexpand,domain,schema,region, but receive:re1gion | 展开结果类型填写错误 |
400 | InvalidResultType | Invalid result type.Expected:unexpand/domain/code/expand, but receive:c1ode | 展开结果类型填写错误 |
400 | InvalidCodeType | Invalid code type.Expected:2xx/3xx/4xx/5xx, but receive:2xx,31xx | 状态码类型填写错误 |
400 | InvalidResultType | Invalid result type.Expected:unexpand/domain, but receive:une1xpand | 展开结果类型填写错误 |
400 | InvalidHitType | Invalid hit type.Expected:reqhitrate/flowhitrate, but receive:flowhitr1ate | 命中率类型填写错误 |
400 | DurationTimeNotMatch | Current and prior intervals are inconsistent | 间隔不一致 |
400 | InvalidResultType | Invalid result type.Expected:unexpand/expand, but receive:unexpa1nd | 展开结果类型填写错误 |
400 | QuotaOverfull | 超过配额 |