最近更新时间:2018-01-09 22:59:49
错误码 | 错误码说明 |
0 | 成功 |
1000 | 缺少参数 |
1001 | 参数不合法 |
1002 | 无效用户ID |
1005 | 无效模板名 |
1009 | 无效任务ID |
1010 | 内容不合法 |
1011 | 无效bucket |
1012 | 非北京bucket |
1013 | bucket无法访问 |
1014 | 无效文件名 |
1015 | 无效模板类型 |
1016 | 源信息不合法 |
1017 | 源文件个数超限 |
1018 | 扩展参数不合法 |
1019 | 查询时间跨度太大 |
1020 | 无效目录名 |
1022 | 无效队列名 |
1023 | 队列未被初始化 |
1024 | 队列状态不合法 |
1101 | 用户未开通转码服务 |
1200 | 记录不存在 |
1201 | 记录已存在 |
1202 | 新增记录失败 |
1203 | 删除记录失败 |
1204 | 更新记录失败 |
1205 | 任务已完成或已删除 |
1210 | 文件不存在 |
1212 | 未授权桶策略 |
1213 | 源文件路径太长 |
错误码 | 错误码说明 |
0 | Success |
2001 | Unknown Error |
2002 | machine reach max rss |
2003 | input param illegal |
2004 | task not exist |
2005 | task shutdown by user |
2006 | task sniff error |
2007 | channel not exist |
2008 | CommonChan task type illegal |
2009 | Parse url FAIL |
2010 | String length illegal |
2011 | Can not find what you want |
2012 | Daemon exit |
2013 | Call os function Error |
2014 | no idle daemon for task |
2015 | protobuf or json Unmarshal Error |
2016 | jsonpb Marshal Error |
2017 | variable in struct not set |
2018 | object count illeagal |
2019 | this is a fake |
2020 | proto marshal to byte Error |
2021 | Slave res illeagal |
2022 | Retrytimes illeagal or reach thres |
2023 | GlobalValue content illeagal |
2024 | Module fail to report to tasks_loop |
2025 | output_format parameter illeagal |
2026 | taskvalue privMsg nil or illeagal |
2027 | job operate data already exist |
2028 | mkdir FAIL |
2029 | doHttp input param lack or illegal |
2030 | doHttp canceled by user |
2031 | doHttp unknown error |
2032 | HTTP download file fail |
2033 | HTTP upload file fail |
2034 | http callback fail |
2035 | Slave already exist |
2036 | input file not ready |
2037 | not file or directory, or maybe wrong type |
2038 | operation time out |
2039 | httpd receive content illegal type |
2040 | file or dir mode not proper |
2041 | file not exist |
2042 | Notify to kts fail |
2043 | zmq socket allready exist |
2044 | set paramset fail |
2045 | form material illegal when POST |
2046 | Pem file decode fail |
2047 | init instance fail |
2048 | multiUpload fail |
2049 | Ban small to large |
2050 | operation specified illegal |
2051 | Extend Task Fail |
2052 | do not have daemon ID in doneMsgRes |
2053 | daemon response format illeagal |
2054 | Module not exist |
2055 | type of body illeagal |
2056 | can not get disk name of current directory |
2057 | slave fail to report to excutor or reach maxprocdura, maybe blocked |
2058 | sniffer result has AV headers but no audio and video data |
2301 | Snapshot Internal Error: read input file EOF |
2302 | Snapshot Internal Error: encode video error |
2303 | Snapshot Internal Error: codec context error |
2304 | Snapshot Internal Error: write frame fail |
2305 | Snapshot Internal Error: apply bitfilter fail |
2306 | Snapshot Internal Error: slave task empty |
2307 | Snapshot Internal Error: slave task full |
2310 | Snapshot Internal Error: parse json fail |
2311 | Snapshot Internal Error: json object null |
2312 | Snapshot Internal Error: zmq send fail |
2313 | Snapshot Internal Error: zmq recv error |
2314 | Snapshot Internal Error: notify to tworker fail |
2315 | Snapshot Internal Error: param check error |
2319 | Snapshot Internal Error: add input stream fail |
2320 | Snapshot Internal Error: open input file error |
2321 | Snapshot Internal Error: find streaminfo fail |
2322 | Snapshot Internal Error: new output stream fail |
2323 | Snapshot Internal Error: new output file fail |
2324 | Snapshot Internal Error: open output file fail |
2325 | Snapshot Internal Error: input/output stream null |
2326 | Snapshot Internal Error: dec/enc context null |
2330 | Snapshot Internal Error: malloc error |
2331 | Snapshot Internal Error: Sws GetContext error |
2332 | Snapshot Internal Error: Sws Scale error |
2333 | snapshot input lack param |
2334 | snapshot input alter param |
2335 | snapshot output path not set |
2336 | snapshot output Num larger than 3 |
2337 | snapshot seek time maybe out of video duration |
2350 | Snapshot Internal Error: Unknown error |
2401 | probe inter error: read input file EOF |
2403 | probe inter error: codec context error |
2406 | probe inter error: slave task empty |
2407 | probe inter error: slave task full |
2410 | probe inter error: parse json fail |
2411 | probe inter error: json object null |
2412 | probe inter error: zmq send fail |
2413 | probe inter error: zmq recv error |
2414 | probe inter error: notify to tworker fail |
2415 | probe inter error: param check error |
2420 | probe inter error: open input file error |
2421 | probe inter error: find streaminfo fail |
2422 | probe inter error: new output stream fail |
2423 | probe inter error: new output file fail |
2424 | probe inter error: open output file fail |
2425 | probe inter error: input/output stream null |
2426 | probe inter error: dec/enc context null |
2450 | probe inter error: unknown error |
2501 | unknown request method |
2502 | allocate channel failed |
2503 | module not exist or unready |
3022 | Trans Internal Error: Invalid Argument |
3140 | Trans Internal Error: Bitstream filter not found |
3141 | Trans Internal Error: Internal bug |
3142 | Trans Internal Error: Buffer too small |
3143 | Trans Internal Error: Decoder not found |
3144 | Trans Internal Error: Demuxer not found |
3145 | Trans Internal Error: Encoder not found |
3146 | Trans Internal Error: End of file |
3147 | Trans Internal Error: Immediate exit was requested; the called function should not be restarted |
3148 | Trans Internal Error: Generic error in an external library |
3149 | Trans Internal Error: Filter not found |
3150 | Trans Internal Error: Invalid data found when processing input |
3151 | Trans Internal Error: Muxer not found |
3152 | Trans Internal Error: Option not found |
3153 | Trans Internal Error: Not yet implemented in segtran, patches welcome |
3154 | Trans Internal Error: Protocol not found |
3155 | Trans Internal Error: Stream not found |
3156 | Trans Internal Error: Internal bug2 |
3157 | Trans Internal Error: Unknown error, typically from an external library |
3158 | Trans Internal Error: Requested feature is flagged experimental. Set strict_std_compliance if you really want to use it |
3159 | Trans Internal Error: Input changed between calls. Reconfiguration is required. |
3160 | Trans Internal Error: Output changed between calls. Reconfiguration is required. |
3161 | Trans Internal Error: Http Request 400 Bad Request |
3162 | Trans Internal Error: Http Request 401 Unauthorized |
3163 | Trans Internal Error: Http Request 403 Forbidden |
3164 | Trans Internal Error: Http Request 404 Not Found |
3165 | Trans Internal Error: Http Request 4xx Other Error |
3166 | Trans Internal Error: Http Request 5xx Server Error |
3175 | Trans Internal Error: Internal Other Error |
3177 | Trans Internal Error:first decoded frame pts_time > start_time. Maybe lead to non-precise timestamp seek |
3178 | Trans Internal Error:Video/Audio Illegal: pts of first packet is more than zero! |
3180 | slave connect to zmq error |
3181 | slave argv too short |
3182 | slave get bin path error |
3183 | slave move mp4 file header error |
3184 | slave input authentication expired |
3186 | sniffer file unsupport seekable in AVIOContext structure |
3187 | sniffer sniff time out |
3188 | src m3u8 file has illegal segment num |
3189 | sniffer pthread_create() fail! |
3190 | sniffer reach proc duration thres |
3200 | slave param error |
3201 | the time seeking backward too large, exit! |
3202 | input stream format changed, frame parameters mismatch context |
3203 | slave open output file fail |
3204 | error reinitializing filters! |
3205 | error applying options to the filter |
3235 | pthread_create fail! |
3236 | init_msgchannel_context fail! |
3240 | connection timeout |
3241 | connection reset by peer |
3242 | connection refused by server |
3243 | server terminate the connection |
3255 | Trans Internal Error: System Signal is caught and Slave proces is killed |