参数名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 描述 |
Action | String | 是 | 公共参数,本接口取值:CreateUser。 |
Version | String | 是 | 公共参数,本接口取值:2015-11-01。 |
UserName | String | 是 | 待创建的IAM用户的用户名 |
RealName | String | 否 | 待创建的IAM用户的真实姓名 |
Phone | String | 否 | 手机号码 |
String | 否 | 邮箱 | |
Remark | String | 否 | 备注 |
Password | String | 否 | 用户密码 |
PasswordResetRequired | Int | 否 | 登录是否重置密码 |
OpenLoginProtection | Int | 否 | 是否开启登录保护 |
OpenSecurityProtection | Int | 否 | 是否开启操作保护 |
ViewAllProject | Int | 否 | 子用户查看所有项目 |
AddProjectId | Int | 否 | 项目ID,默认项目传0 |
参数名称 | 类型 | 描述 |
CreateUserResult | Object | |
User | Object | |
UserId | String | 示例值:54O4UAgRSsCmwBsguyEWAg |
Path | String | 示例值:\/ |
UserName | String | 示例值:test_user |
RealName | String | 示例值:ddd |
CreateDate | String | 示例值:2021-11-17T08:52:41Z |
Phone | String | |
CountryMobileCode | String | 示例值:86 |
isInternational | Int | |
String | ||
PhoneVerified | String | 示例值:No |
EmailVerified | String | 示例值:No |
Remark | String | |
Krn | String | 示例值:krn:ksc:iam::2000143391:user\/test_user |
PasswordResetRequired | Boolean | |
EnableMFA | Int | 示例值:0 |
NeedBindMfa | String | |
UpdateDate | String | 示例值:2021-11-17T08:52:41Z |
RequestId | String | 示例值:950476a3-2da6-43e1-8c1b-6aed4883d8b0 |
错误码 | 错误信息 | Http状态码 | 描述 |
MissingParameter | A required parameter for the specified action is not supplied. | 400 | 忘记输入参数,具体参数名在错误消息中说明(UserName) |
InvalidParameterValue | An invalid or out-of-range value was supplied for the input parameter. | 400 | 参数格式/取值范围不对,具体参数名在错误消息中说明(UserName,Path,RealName) |
EntityAlreadyExists | The request was rejected because it attempted to create a resource that already exists | 409 | 资源已经存在,具体实体名称在错误消息中说明(UserName) |
LimitExceeded | The request was rejected because it attempted to create resources beyond the current Ksyun account limits | 409 | 资源数量超过限制,具体限制在错误消息中说明(User数量是100) |