最近更新时间:2024-03-25 20:53:24
云直播的openAPI服务,调用成功,返回的HTTP状态码(Status)为200;调用失败,返回4xx 或5xx的HTTP状态码(Status)。
"RequestId": "68093a99-2f63-4f39-8f70-3047ab8ecb5b",
"Error": {
"Type": "Sender",
"Code": "InvalidParameterValue",
"Message": "An invalid or out-of-range value was supplied for the input parameter PathPrefix."
错误代码(Code) | 错误消息(Message) | HTTP 状态码 | 中文描述(语义) |
MissingParameter | The input parameter “%s” that is mandatory for processing this request is not supplied. | 400 | 必填参数没有填,请您检查调用时是否填写了此参数 |
InvalidParameter | The input parameter "%s"is not valid. | 400 | 参数名称错误,请您检查是否按接口使用文档填写请求参数 |
InvalidParameterValue | The input parameter value “%s” is not valid. | 400 | 参数value值错误,请您检查是否按使用文档填写请求参数 |
InvalidParameterValue | The input parameter value type error. | 400 | 参数value值类型错误,请您参照接口使用文档更新参数,再重新发起请求 |
LimitExceeded | Request was rejected because the request speed of this openAPI is beyond the current flow control limit. | 409 | 请求被拒绝,因该openAPI接口访问速度已达到流控上限 |
StreamNotExist | The Live stream does not exist. | 404 | 目标直播流不存在,请确认主播是否已经开播,再重新发起请求 |
UnknownError | The request processing has failed due to some unknown error. | 400 | 未知错误。请您重试该操作,若再出现此问题请联系售后排查 |
InvalidParameterValue | Uniquename, pubdomain and app do not match. | 400 | UniqueName、Pubdomain、App不匹配,请您检查匹配关系后,再重新发起请求 |
MissingKs3Bucket | There is no Ks3Bucket for storing files. | 403 | 没有为截图文件选择Ks3Bucket,请先选择Ks3Bucket,再重新发起请求 |
MissingKs3Bucket | Ks3Bucket does not exist. | 404 | 所选择的Ks3Bucket不存在,请先选择一个已经创建好的Ks3Bucket,再重新发起请求 |
ServiceUnavailable | The service is unavailable due to an internal exception. | 500 | 系统内部错误。请您重试该操作,若再出现此问题请联系售后排查 |
UnavaliableRegion | The region %s is unavaliable for the openapi | 400 | 此openapi不具备%s区域的服务 |
InaccessibleOpenapi | Without access to call Inner Openapi. | 401 | 不具备访问inner openapi的权限 |
UnavaliableAccountID | The Account ID is invalid. | 401 | 账户id不合法,请调整您的id后再重新发起请求 |
ServiceTimeout | Internal Service is unavailable because of time out. | 500 | 内部服务异常或超时暂不可用,请您重试该操作,若再出现此问题请联系售后排查 |
ErrorDryRun | Request would have succeeded, but DryRun flag is set. | 412 | 请求本可成功,但由于设置DryRun标记未成功 |
InvalidAuthenticationCode | the policy deny to [%s] the resources[%s] | 403 | 权限拒绝操作%s资源%s的行为 |
InvalidAuthenticationCode | lack of policy to [%s] the resources[%s] | 403 | 权限不足,您缺少操作%s资源%s的权限 |
InvalidAuthenticationCode | Request was rejected because of lack of policy. | 403 | 权限不足,请确认您的相关权限 |
SignatureNotMatch | The Signature is not matched | 400 | 签名不匹配,请检查签名算法 |
InvalidAccesskey | Invalid Accesskey(%s) | 400 | 非法秘钥(%s) |
MissingAccesskey | Access Key is Missing | 400 | 请求被拒绝,因为没有秘钥 |
InvalidTimestamp | Invalid Timestamp(%s). Pls in 15mins | 400 | 请求时间戳不合法(%s),请保持请求时间戳在15分钟以内 |
InvalidActionOrVesion | The action %s or version %s is not valid for this web service | 400 | action 或 version 不合法,请您调整后再重新发起请求 |
ServiceUnavailable | Invalid service(%s) | 404 | 请求被拒绝,因其引用的服务(%s)不存在,如确认没问题请联系售后排查 |
MissingSignature | The Request is missing Signature Parameter. | 400 | 请求被拒绝,因为没有合法的签名,请您调整后再重新发起请求 |
MissingTimestamp | The request is missing timestamp parameter. | 400 | 请求timestamp不合法, 请您调整后再重新发起请求 |
MissingParameter | The request is missing %s parameter. | 400 | 请求没有合法%s, 请您调整后再重新发起请求 |
UndefinedError | Undefine Internal Error. Pls Contact With Admin. | 500 | 系统错误,请您稍后重试该操作,若再出现此问题请联系售后排查 |
"Data": {
"RetCode": 8201,
"RetMsg": "stream is not on the blacklist"
"RequestId": "36d7f12e-2345-4e5e-a5f4-7hsjk1ff27eb"
RetCode | RetMsg | 含义 |
1000 | lack of parameters | 缺少必须参数 |
1002 | invalid uniquename | 域名空间错误 |
1003 | invalid app name | 应用名错误 |
1004 | invalid stream name | 流名错误 |
1005 | invalid preset name | 转码模板名错误 |
1200 | task does not exist | 任务不存在 |
1201 | task already exists | 任务已经存在 |
1202 | failed to insert records | 内部错误 |
1203 | failed to delete records | 删除任务失败 |
1204 | failed to update records | 更新任务失败 |
3802 | stream has been banned and no change forbid information | 不支持在同一秒内重复封禁同一条流 |
4000 | invalid pubdomain | 域名错误 |
4001 | invalid time | 时间格式错误或查询的时间间隔超过限制 |
4201 | get result error | uid、uniquename、domain不匹配 |
4999 | parameters other error | 参数错误,请检查: |
5000 | the user does not exist | 用户不存在 |
6000 | no files(m3u8) during the task | 没有录像文件 |
6010 | splash started, but no online stream | 短视频开始录制但流不在线上 |
6400 | failed to get the number of tasks | 获取任务数量失败 |
6401 | recording number reach upper limit | 任务数量超过上限 |
6402 | get stream record status error | 获取流任务状态失败 |
6403 | stream is recording | 该流正在录制 |
6404 | stream record has been stopped | 已经停止过该流 |
6405 | RecID does not exist | RecID不存在 |
6406 | unique_name and accountId not match | 域名空间不存在 |
6701 | get ej jobName empty | 查询定时任务信息为空 |
6702 | ej interface use or return fail | 创建定时任务失败 |
6703 | start time error | 开始时间错误 |
6704 | end time error | 结束时间错误 |
6705 | file name or path error | 文件名或路径不合法 |
6706 | HLS vod should be enable | HLS 不可用 |
6707 | Hls or mp4 Bucket error | Bucket 错误 |
6708 | Record Status error | 任务状态不可取消 |
6709 | Recording time not be less than 1 minute | 录制时间小于一分钟 |
8200 | failed to insert redis | 系统内部错误 |
8201 | stream is not on the blacklist | 目标流不在黑名单上 |
8500 | error nodeip | 系统内部错误 |
8501 | kill stream fail | 流封禁失败 |
8502 | stream is not exist | 流不存在 |
9014 | PullProtocol error | 拉流协议错误 |
9015 | Type error | 返回信息类型错误 |
9016 | Over the speed limit | 调用频率超过了接口限制 |
1 | other error | 其他错误,若您重试后仍不能解决,请联系售后为您排查问题 |