




最近更新时间:2020-04-24 16:50:58

错误code http code 中文描述 英文描述
UndefinedError 500 Undefine Internal Error. Pls Contact With Admin. 未定义错误,请联系维护人员
InvalidSignatureVersion 400 请求无合法SignatureVersion, 请检查请求 The param SignatureVersion is invalid.
InvalidSignatureMethod 400 请求无合法SignatureMethod, 请检查请求 The param SignatureMethod is invalid.
GETAPIInfoFailed 400 无匹配api no api matched
APIGroupInfoCheckFailed 400 api分组信息校验失败 %s The api group info check failed %s
APIInfoCheckFailed 400 api信息校验失败 %s The api info check failed %s
AccountCheckFailedInDeny 400 租户信息校验失败,在拒绝访问列表内 The account info check failed, in deny list
SourceIPCheckFailedInDeny 400 源ip信息校验失败,在拒绝访问ip列表内 The source ip info check failed, in deny list
APIRegionInfoCheckFailed 400 api region 信息校验失败 The api region info check failed
AccountCheckFailedNotAllow 400 租户信息校验失败,不在允许访问列表内 The account info check failed, not in allow list
MissingTimestamp 400 请求无合法timestamp, 请检查请求 The request is missing timestamp parameter.
MissingParameter 400 请求无合法%s, 请检查请求 The request is missing %s parameter.
APIPluginInfoCheckFailed 400 api插件信息校验失败 %s The api plugin info check failed %s
MissingRequiredHeaderParameter 400 header必填参数[%s]不存在, 请检查请求 The required [%s] parameter in header is missing.
HeaderInfoCheckFailed 400 头信息校验失败 The header info check failed
BackendServiceTimeout 500 后端服务异常或超时暂不可用。 backend Service is unavailable because of time out.
CheckHeaderParameterTypeFailed 400 header参数[%s]类型校验失败 check the type of header [%s] parameter failed.
AppInfoCheckFailed 400 app信息校验失败 %s The app info check failed %s
MissingRequiredBodyParameter 400 body必填参数[%s]不存在, 请检查请求 The required [%s] parameter in body is missing.
CheckParameterTypeFailed 400 [%s]参数类型校验失败 check parameter [%s] type failed.
InvalidAccesskey 400 非法秘钥(%s) Invalid Accesskey(%s)
AuthInfoCheckFailed 400 授权信息校验失败 %s The auth info check failed %s
HeaderNonceGetFailed 400 防重放信息获取失败 The header nonce get failed
APIReqProtocolCheckFailed 409 请求被拒绝,因api接口必须使用%s访问 Request was rejected because the request must use %s.
ArgsUniqueInfoCheckFailed 400 参数唯一性校验失败 The args unique check failed
APIENVInfoCheckFailed 400 api运行环境信息校验失败 %s The api run environment info check failed %s
FlowSysLimitExceeded 409 请求被拒绝,因api接口访问速度已达到流控上限 Request was rejected because the request speed of this api is beyond the current flow control limit.
MissingAccesskey 400 请求被拒绝,因为没有秘钥 ApigwAK is Missing
MissingRequiredQueryParameter 400 query必填参数[%s]不存在, 请检查请求 The required [%s] parameter in query is missing.
ReqMethodCheckFailed 400 请求方法校验失败 The request method check failed
SourceIPCheckFailedNotAllow 400 源ip信息校验失败,不在允许访问ip列表内 The source ip info check failed, not in allow list
FlowSysGroupLimitExceeded 409 请求被拒绝,因api接口分组访问速度已达到流控上限 Request was rejected because the request speed of this api group is beyond the current flow control limit.
GetPathParamsFailed 400 path参数获取失败 get path params failed
BodyTypeCheckFailed 400 请求体内容类型校验失败 The request body Content-Type check failed
InvalidTimestampFormat 400 请求时间戳格式不合法(%s),格式:YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ Invalid Timestamp(%s). format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ
SignatureNotMatch 400 签名不匹配,请检查签名算法 The Signature is not matched
MissingSignature 400 请求被拒绝,因为没有合法的签名 The Request is missing Signature Parameter.
HeaderNonceCheckFailed 400 防重放信息校验失败 The header nonce check failed
CORSCheckFailed 400 cors 信息校验失败 The cors info check failed
FlowLimitExceeded 409 请求被拒绝,因api接口访问速度已达到流控上限 Request was rejected because the request speed of this api is beyond the current flow control limit.
InvalidTimestamp 400 请求时间戳不合法(%s),请保持请求时间戳在15分钟以内 Invalid Timestamp(%s). Pls in 15mins

