最近更新时间:2020-04-24 16:50:58
错误code | http code | 中文描述 | 英文描述 |
UndefinedError | 500 | Undefine Internal Error. Pls Contact With Admin. | 未定义错误,请联系维护人员 |
InvalidSignatureVersion | 400 | 请求无合法SignatureVersion, 请检查请求 | The param SignatureVersion is invalid. |
InvalidSignatureMethod | 400 | 请求无合法SignatureMethod, 请检查请求 | The param SignatureMethod is invalid. |
GETAPIInfoFailed | 400 | 无匹配api | no api matched |
APIGroupInfoCheckFailed | 400 | api分组信息校验失败 %s | The api group info check failed %s |
APIInfoCheckFailed | 400 | api信息校验失败 %s | The api info check failed %s |
AccountCheckFailedInDeny | 400 | 租户信息校验失败,在拒绝访问列表内 | The account info check failed, in deny list |
SourceIPCheckFailedInDeny | 400 | 源ip信息校验失败,在拒绝访问ip列表内 | The source ip info check failed, in deny list |
APIRegionInfoCheckFailed | 400 | api region 信息校验失败 | The api region info check failed |
AccountCheckFailedNotAllow | 400 | 租户信息校验失败,不在允许访问列表内 | The account info check failed, not in allow list |
MissingTimestamp | 400 | 请求无合法timestamp, 请检查请求 | The request is missing timestamp parameter. |
MissingParameter | 400 | 请求无合法%s, 请检查请求 | The request is missing %s parameter. |
APIPluginInfoCheckFailed | 400 | api插件信息校验失败 %s | The api plugin info check failed %s |
MissingRequiredHeaderParameter | 400 | header必填参数[%s]不存在, 请检查请求 | The required [%s] parameter in header is missing. |
HeaderInfoCheckFailed | 400 | 头信息校验失败 | The header info check failed |
BackendServiceTimeout | 500 | 后端服务异常或超时暂不可用。 | backend Service is unavailable because of time out. |
CheckHeaderParameterTypeFailed | 400 | header参数[%s]类型校验失败 | check the type of header [%s] parameter failed. |
AppInfoCheckFailed | 400 | app信息校验失败 %s | The app info check failed %s |
MissingRequiredBodyParameter | 400 | body必填参数[%s]不存在, 请检查请求 | The required [%s] parameter in body is missing. |
CheckParameterTypeFailed | 400 | [%s]参数类型校验失败 | check parameter [%s] type failed. |
InvalidAccesskey | 400 | 非法秘钥(%s) | Invalid Accesskey(%s) |
AuthInfoCheckFailed | 400 | 授权信息校验失败 %s | The auth info check failed %s |
HeaderNonceGetFailed | 400 | 防重放信息获取失败 | The header nonce get failed |
APIReqProtocolCheckFailed | 409 | 请求被拒绝,因api接口必须使用%s访问 | Request was rejected because the request must use %s. |
ArgsUniqueInfoCheckFailed | 400 | 参数唯一性校验失败 | The args unique check failed |
APIENVInfoCheckFailed | 400 | api运行环境信息校验失败 %s | The api run environment info check failed %s |
FlowSysLimitExceeded | 409 | 请求被拒绝,因api接口访问速度已达到流控上限 | Request was rejected because the request speed of this api is beyond the current flow control limit. |
MissingAccesskey | 400 | 请求被拒绝,因为没有秘钥 | ApigwAK is Missing |
MissingRequiredQueryParameter | 400 | query必填参数[%s]不存在, 请检查请求 | The required [%s] parameter in query is missing. |
ReqMethodCheckFailed | 400 | 请求方法校验失败 | The request method check failed |
SourceIPCheckFailedNotAllow | 400 | 源ip信息校验失败,不在允许访问ip列表内 | The source ip info check failed, not in allow list |
FlowSysGroupLimitExceeded | 409 | 请求被拒绝,因api接口分组访问速度已达到流控上限 | Request was rejected because the request speed of this api group is beyond the current flow control limit. |
GetPathParamsFailed | 400 | path参数获取失败 | get path params failed |
BodyTypeCheckFailed | 400 | 请求体内容类型校验失败 | The request body Content-Type check failed |
InvalidTimestampFormat | 400 | 请求时间戳格式不合法(%s),格式:YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ | Invalid Timestamp(%s). format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ |
SignatureNotMatch | 400 | 签名不匹配,请检查签名算法 | The Signature is not matched |
MissingSignature | 400 | 请求被拒绝,因为没有合法的签名 | The Request is missing Signature Parameter. |
HeaderNonceCheckFailed | 400 | 防重放信息校验失败 | The header nonce check failed |
CORSCheckFailed | 400 | cors 信息校验失败 | The cors info check failed |
FlowLimitExceeded | 409 | 请求被拒绝,因api接口访问速度已达到流控上限 | Request was rejected because the request speed of this api is beyond the current flow control limit. |
InvalidTimestamp | 400 | 请求时间戳不合法(%s),请保持请求时间戳在15分钟以内 | Invalid Timestamp(%s). Pls in 15mins |