




最近更新时间:2020-09-10 21:31:26

Provides a lb rule resource.

Example Usage

provider "ksyun" {
resource "ksyun_lb_rule" "default" {
path = "/tfxun/update",
host_header_id = "",
session {
session_state = "start"
session_persistence_period = 1000
cookie_type = "ImplantCookie"
cookie_name = "cookiexunqq"
health_check_state = "start"
healthy_threshold = 2
interval = 200
timeout = 2000
unhealthy_threshold = 2
url_path = "/monitor"
host_name = "www.ksyun.com"

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • path - (Required) The path of rule
  • host_header_id - (Required)The id of host header id
  • backend_server_group_id - (Required)The id of backend server group
  • listener_sync - (Required)Whether to synchronizethe the health check, the session hold and the forward algorithms of the listener.Valid Values:‘on’, ‘off’.
  • method - (Optional) Forwarding mode of listener.Valid Values:‘RoundRobin’, ‘LeastConnections’.
  • session_state - (Optional) The state of session.Valid Values:‘start’, ‘stop’.
  • session_persistence_period - (Optional) Session hold timeout.Valid Values:1-86400
  • cookie_type - (Optional) The type of the cookie.Valid Values:‘ImplantCookie’, ‘RewriteCookie’.
  • cookie_name - (Optional) The name of cookie.The CookieType is valid and required when it is ‘RewriteCookie’; otherwise, this value is ignored.
  • timeout - (Optional) Health check timeout.Valid Values:1-3600.
  • interval - (Optional) Interval of health examination.Valid Values:1-3600.
  • health_check_state - (Optional) Status maintained by health examination.The health check state is valid and selected when the ListenerSync is 'off ',otherwise, this value is ignored.Valid Values:‘start’, ‘stop’.
  • healthy_threshold - (Optional) Health threshold.Valid and required when HealthCheckState is ‘start’, this value is ignored in other cases.Valid Values:1-10.
  • unhealthy_threshold - (Optional) Unhealthy threshold.Valid Values:1-10.
  • url_path - (Optional) Link to HTTP type listener health check.
  • host_name - (Optional) Domain name of HTTP type health check.

Attributes Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:

  • create_time - The time when the rule was created.
  • rule_id - The ID of rule.
  • cookie_expiration_period - Session holds timeout time.Valid Values: 0-86400.
  • backend_server_group_id - The id of backend server group
  • listener_sync - Whether to synchronizethe the health check, the session hold and the forward algorithms of the listener.Valid Values:‘on’, ‘off’.
  • method - Forwarding mode of listener.Valid Values:‘RoundRobin’, ‘LeastConnections’.
  • session_state - The state of session.Valid Values:‘start’, ‘stop’.
  • session_persistence_period - Session hold timeout.Valid Values:1-86400
  • cookie_type - The type of the cookie.Valid Values:‘ImplantCookie’, ‘RewriteCookie’.
  • cookie_name - The name of cookie.The CookieType is valid and required when it is ‘RewriteCookie’; otherwise, this value is ignored.
  • timeout - Health check timeout.Valid Values:1-3600.
  • interval -Interval of health examination.Valid Values:1-3600.
  • health_check_state -Status maintained by health examination.The health check state is valid and selected when the ListenerSync is 'off ',otherwise, this value is ignored.Valid Values:‘start’, ‘stop’.
  • healthy_threshold - Health threshold.Valid and required when HealthCheckState is ‘start’, this value is ignored in other cases.Valid Values:1-10.
  • unhealthy_threshold - Unhealthy threshold.Valid Values:1-10.
  • url_path - Link to HTTP type listener health check.
  • host_name - Domain name of HTTP type health check.

